Li-Biladina Project sheet


general: To contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of marginal rural communities in the West Bank through the strengthening of local circuits of sustainable and inclusive rural economy that enhances agricultural, historical cultural and environmental resources

specific:To improve the economic conditions of rural communities in El Burji, Sa’ir and Taybeh through sustainable and climate change resilient food production, promotion of food chains coordinated with tourism development and fomenting sustainable entrepreneurial activities focused on inclusive economic growth

Results and main activities:

Improved sustainable and inclusive food production in the communities of Taybeh and Sa’ir through irrigation and agricultural rehabilitation techniques

Analysis of productive and market potential in areas of Sa’ir and Taybeh, Rehabilitation of agricultural lands and installation of irrigation systems using wastewater treatment plants’ water from the Sa’ir and Taybeh areas, Rehabilitation of agricultural lands and installation of irrigation systems using wastewater treatment plants’ water from the Sa’ir and Taybeh areas, Rehabilitation of 2 km of rural road for the access of 100 direct beneficiaries to the cultivation plots, Water management training of farmers, students and associations.

Local identity strengthening through the preservation and enhancement of cultural and landscape heritage and sustainable and inclusive tourist enjoyment.

Planning of tourist and cultural development strategies and creation of an inclusive and accessible cultural heritage tour in Al Burj and surrounding rural areas Expansion of the restoration of the Al Buri complex and of the inclusive use in Al Burj and Taybeh, Creation of an inclusive and accessible cultural heritage tour in Al Burj and surrounding rural areas, Operators training and community awareness and dissemination.

An inclusive wealth is promoted through the development of local capabilities and support for the creation of enterprises.

Supporting the development and creation of micro and small businesses in target communities through technical training and financial support, Facilitating access to the job market of unemployed and recent graduates by providing orientation courses and professional apprenticeship opportunities, Facilitating access to the job market and rehabilitation centers for people with disabilities, Supporting existing social enterprises, CBOs, cooperatives, and rehabilitation centers in the target areas.

Place of implementation: Sa’ir e Al Burj (Hebron), Taybeh (Ramallah).

Other actors involved: Municipality of Matera, Municipality of Grottole, Wonder Grottole

Main donor: AICS – Agenzia Italiana per la Cooperazione allo Sviluppo

Costs Total 1.873.966 euro, AICS funding: 1.780.000 euro, Tavola Valdese OPM, Partners Contribution : 93.966 euro

Contact: Khadija Tabite, coordinator –